So after a couple years off for chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant for Multiple Myeloma, I'm back at it, even as I'm still on maintenance therapy in a clinical trial at SCCA....
(see info at bottom of list)
What a cold wet Spring!
Then when we finally get a sunny day the plants get all wilty or sunburned-- good grief!
I've had to keep the heaters and lights on in the greenhouse but finally, ready or not, it is time for a PLANT SALE!
MAY 13th 10 AM to 3 PM.
6323 150 pl SW Edmonds 98026
This year a fantastic plant geek, and good friend, Sam Sacharoff
is joining me with some of his incredible plants on Saturday.
I hope you can make it, but if not let me know what you may be interested in, or call if you would like to arrange a different time to come by to see my garden and/or check out the plants.
I can't promise they will all be labeled, signed and ready until Saturday, though.
thanks, Judy
Plant List MAY 2017 click on underlined links for info.
1 Aconitum carmichaelii 'Ardensii' Monkshood, Wolfbane, late summer blue flowers 2 gal. $6
3 Aconitum sp. possibly napellus – early blue flowers on tall stalks 1 gal. $3.
2 Adiantum venusta -- Himalayan evergreen maidenhair ferns- large full flats, $18.
3 Adiantum aleuticum -- native five finger maidenhair fern. 3" - $ 2 - $3.
9 Ajuga incisa 'Frosted Jade' 3”,4”,6” - $3-$5.
5 Alchemilla alpina - groundcover Alpine Lady's mantle 3" -$3.
3 Anemone nemorosa ‘Robinsonianum’ 1 – 6”- $4, 2 – 4” $2.
3 Aquilegia vulgaris - Columbine 1 gal $3.
2 Arisaema consanguineum $4-5.
2 Astrantia 4” $3.
3 Beesia deltophylla – 4” $6.
7 Cardamine pratensis 'Flore Pleno' double cuckoo flower 2 blooming $3, 5 starts $2.
1 Carex ‘Ice Dance’ 1 gal $3.
1 Daphne mezereum, February Daphne. 1 – 1 gal. $5.
8 Dicentra formosa Pacific Bleeding Heart 1 gal. $ 4.
1 Fuchsia molinae – hardy fuchsia 2 gal $3.
3 Geranium orientalitibeticum hardy-2-3” $2, 1-6” $4
1 Geranium psilostemon Hardy Armenian Cranesbill 1 gal. $5.
1 Geranium x oxonianum hardy ‘Katherine Adele’ $ 3.
1 Geranium x oxonianum 3” $3.
1 Geranium macrorrhizum 3 gal, $12.
1 Geranium maculatum 'Espresso' $2.
1 Iris siberica ‘Nana Alba’ 2 gal $3.
4 Iris tall bearded purple 1 gal $3.
2 Iris douglasiana Pacific coast native $3, $4.
3 Iris tectorum - Japanese Roof Iris 1-2gal-$6, 2-1gal $5
1 Lonicera pericyclamen - Honeysuckle - $ 3.
2 Lamprocapnos spectabilis 'Alba' White bleeding heart (prev. Dicentra spectabilis) 4” $ 3-$4.
2 Lilium lancifolium Tiger Lilies 2 gal $4.
4 Matteuccia struthiopteris Ostrich Fern 1 gal - $3.
1 Mitella breweri, Native Miterwort 3" -- $2.
8 Montia parvifolia Littleleaf Montia- PNW native 3" - $3.
1 Ophiopogon planiscapus – black mondo grass - $5.
1 Persicaria ‘Comptons’ 1 gal $5.
1 Persicaria virginiana ‘Painter’s Palette’ 4” $5
3 Persicaria virginiana Tovara 3 “ $2 -$4.
1 Phlomis russeliana – hardy Jerusalem Sage 4” $3
5 Polystichum munitum, Western Swordfern many sizes $2 - $10
5 Reineckia carnea 3 -3"- $3, 2- 6" $5.
11 Saxifraga ‘Maroon Beauty’ 4” - $ 4
6 Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’ – 1 gal $3.
1 Teucrium longiflorum 4" $3.
5 Tricyrtis formosanum Toad Lily fall bloomer, 4” - $3.
8 Tropaeolum speciosum – Hardy Flame climbing nasturtium – 3 “ $3.
7 Tropaeolum tuberosum – Machua, Climbing nasturtium, #” $4.
Trees and Shrubs:
1 Spirea ‘Goldflame’ starts 4” $2.
1 Hydrangea 'Lemon Zest' starts
$8 and $5.
1 Hydrangea nigra -- Blackstem Bigleaf Hydrangea -large 3 gal, $ 15
3 Hydrangea macrophylla f. normalis ‘Veitchii’ 2 gal $10, 4” starts $3
2 Stachyurus salicifolius -- Willow leaf Stachyurus. 1gal. $ 5.
1Viburnum plicatum tomentosum 'Shasta'– doublefile –2 gal. $5.
2 Viburnum triloba - Cranberry bush $5.
1 Korean Lilac ‘Miss Kim’ 10 gal. $ 20.
Vine maples, green standardJapanese maples, Hydrangeas,
Plus other odds and ends I may find, or that you may request a piece of from the garden.
And plants from my friend Sam Sacharoff:
2-5 Brugmansia/Angel's Trumpet 4" $4 ( one spoken for)
3- Monarda didyma 'Jacob Cline' 1g $4 (two spoken for, one left)
1-Philadelphus coronarius 'Aureus' 5g $15
1-Physocarpus opulifolius 'Coppertina' 5g $15
1-Jasminum nudiflorum/Winter Jasmine 1g $5
2-Paeonia lutea/Tree Peony 1g $5
2- ^^^^ Quart size $4
2-Campanula 'Sarastro' Qt $4
1-Mimulus cardinalis 1g $4
2 1 -Hydrangea macrophylla 'Ayesha' 4" $4
1-Aralia cordata 'Sun King' 2g $10
1-Leucothoe fontanesiana 'Zeblid'(Scarletta)Qt $4
1-Euonymus fortunei 'Wolong Ghost' 1g $4
2- ^^^ 4"
1-Olearia x oleifolia 2g $8
1-Vitis vinifera 'Purpurea' 1g $5
2-Cistus x heterocalyx 'Chelsea Bonnet' 1g $5
1-Ceanothus x delileanus 'Gloire de Versailles' 1g $5
3 Liriope muscari 1g $3
I would also like to encourage you to join me in supporting research
for a cure for Multiple Myeloma and for Bladder Cancer.
I will be walking on May 20th with AMPUp! for research and support for bladder cancer patients. My team is WEE WALK. And any wee little support will help for the 5th most common cancer in the US. Our family has been the beneficiaries of this research and support at UW.
Join this team or donate here for bladder cancer.
And my team
REMISSION POSSIBLE is walking again to support research at Fred Hutch for a
cure for Multiple Myeloma with
th. My Stem cell transplant and maintenance meds have been working to keep me in a good response to treatments thanks to this research.
Join this team or donate here for Multiple Myeloma.