Blog for my weaving and horticulture avocations


I am the proud granddaughter of Hungarian and Slovakian Immigrants.
This blog is where I share some insights about my avocations of Horticulture and Handweaving.

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Monday, December 16, 2013

Part 3. RED SCARVES--finishing

Part 3.
Finishing the red scarves involves taking them off the loom and protecting the ends with zig zaging.
Then they can be cut apart, washed --which is a one time thing-- drying in the dryer to soften the Rayon- also a one time thing. They are hung to finish drying. Now I can remove the Nylon stockings ( -- remember them from part 2-- that's what protected the fringe during all this--)and then finally trimming the fringe even.
More about fringe treatment later............

3 scarves wound onto the  front
cloth beam ready to be cut off the loom. 

All three scarves still connected

Zig zagging between scarves

cutting apart 

soaking to "full" the scarves
then they go in the dryer
the heat will soften up the Rayon

all three scarves with 3 different tones of red and purple wefts

Go to PART  1,  Go to PART 2 

It is very hard to get the colors to show up
well with or without the flash

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